Pravidelné tréninky s trenéry Shut Up & Swim doporučuji všem, kdo se chtějí (konečně) naučit správně plavat. Stejně jako většina hobby plavců jsem začínal plavat sám, nikam jsem se ale neposouval a uplavat kraulem více než 50 m vkuse pro mě bylo poměrně namáhavé. Na podzim 2019 jsem se rozhodl dát svým tréninkům řád. Plavecká škola Shut Up & Swim byla náhodná, ale výborná volba – již po několika lekcích jsem cítil, že odborně vedený trénink je výrazně lepší než cesta samouka a plavání se tak rychle stalo velmi příjemnou součástí mého života. S trenéry Shut Up & Swim pravidelně trénuji minimálně 2 x týdně, osvojil jsem si všechny plavecké styly a hlavně mám velkou radost, že se stále zlepšuji😊
Pavel 2/2023I have finally learned the front crawl thanks to Jakub and his swimmimg lessons. I would certainly recommend if you wish to learn a new swimming stroke or improve your current one.
Tatiana 3/2023I am attending private lessons and after a short period of time, I was able to learn 2 new swim styles. Now we are working on technique and conditioning. Hope to be able to do my firs triathlon soon 😊 and I love the personalized swim caps !
Super škola plavání. Po hodně letech mě opět začao bavit plavání.
Martin 10/2022Úžasná škola plavání. Bojovala jsem s velkým strachem z vody a díky Danovi, který na mě nikdy netlačil a vždycky mi dal dostatek času, jsem se už na druhé lekci natáhla na vodu a přeplavala na druhý konec bazénu. V současné době se těším na každou lekci. Ve skupině je vždy fajn atmosféra, stránky i reservační systém jsou přehledné a celé vedení školy je velmi vstřícné. Účastnit se kurzu bylo jedno z mých nejlepších životních rozhodnutí, protože to že se naučíte plavat, vám už nikdo nevezme!
Veronika 1/2023S Jakubem plavu s přestávkami už několik let. Vyzkoušela jsem individuální tréninky i skupinové lekce. Za tu dobu jsem se hodně posunula, ale pořád je kam se zlepšovat. Letos chci pokořit motýlka. Líbí se mi, že Jakub respektuje individuální potřeby i sportovní dispozice plavců, jeho pokyny dokážu snadno plnit a díky tomu mám pokaždé pocit, že jsem se trochu zlepšila. Vyhovují mi menší skupiny plavců, možnost nahrazovat hodiny i u jiných trenérů a moc mě bavilo plavání v létě v Podolí. Pokud máte z vody strach nebo chcete konečně začít pořádně plavat, je Shut up and swim určitě dobrá volba.
Klára 1/2023Mám s Shut up and swim! jen ty nejlepší zkušenosti. Chodím s trenérem plavat už skoro 2,5 roku a pořád je na čem pracovat. Tréninky jsou zábavné a motivační. A to jak indivituální tak i ty skupinové. Určitě mohu vřele doporučit všem, kdo se chtějí zdokonalit ve svých plaveckých dovednostech, a kdo hledá opravdu kvalitní výuku plavání v Praze.
Jakub 4/2023Chodím 2 rok a jsem opravdu spokojená s přístupem,trenéři věnují Vám čas,pamatuji si jak se jmenujete a je vidět že jim na vašem zlepšování záleží. Sašo a Báro,jste nejlepší)
Můžete plavat na několika bazénech v Praze a vždycky rezervovat ten termín, který Vám se hodí.
Светлана Богданова 4/2022Současně jsem Vám chtěla velice poděkovat za výběr lektroky Nikol. Dcerka je z výuky velice nadšená a těší se na další hodinu.
Andrea 4/2023Trenérka Jolana: milá, empatická, povzbuzující 🙂 Těším se na další lekci. Už dýchám do vody!
Steve 7/2023V Jakubových kurzech plavu od února, za tu dobu jsem kromě něho potkala i několik jeho dalších trenérů. Všichni jsou fajn. Oceňuji individuální přístup, který je pravidlem i na skupinových lekcích a jemný, ale vytrvalý tlak na zlepšení. Doporučuji všem bez ohledu na věk nebo plaveckou pokročilost.
Dagmar 7/2023Můžu jen doporučit. I někdo s těžkým zadkem jako já, se naučil být víc nad hladinou než pod 🙂
André Reinders (09/2019)I am a student of Jakub’s, focusing on improving my breast stroke technique, and learning free style swimming for the first time. I am very glad I started my lessons with Jakub. At first I was so bad with free style and couldn’t swim even 25m correctly, without swallowing a lot of pool water :-). After just a few lessons with Jakub, I now have better control over my breathing, head and arms movement synchronization, and I can swim longer distances without feeling that I’m out of breath. He provided me with good guidance after each lap, and took videos of my swimming so I can learn and improve. He also offers very flexible lessons times, that fit with my work schedule. I am certain I will continue learning with Jakub for the foreseeable future.
William (10/2018)Nejlepší trenér, který si na nic nehraje a opravdu se vám věnuje!
ŠtěpánThe Shut up and swim swimming school has been operating under the leadership of head coach Jakub since 2017. During that time, we have taught and improved more than 600 swimmers. We operate 7 pools and specialize in swimming for children, adults and seniors from complete non-swimmers to triathletes who need to fine tune their technique and get faster.
We now offer approximately 60 lessons per week at 7 swimming pools in Prague (Ymca, Olšanka, Podolí, Axa, Tyršův dům, Výstaviště and Šutka) for 6 levels: Begginer I, II, Intermediate I, II and Master I and II. Now more than 300 swimmers regularly swim in groups with us!
Founder of the Swimming School Shut up and swim! I have been systematically developing this pleasure in my clients for more than 14 years in the pool and gym. I am the founder of the swimming association Shut up and swim, which brings together swimmers and non-swimmers of all levels and ages. I am a graduate of the Faculty of Education of TVS-ZSV. My teaching practice helped me perfectly not only to know how to lead the training, but also to determine its content. The combination of swimming and fitness will give your body both spirit and mind. Do you know any other sport you can do while lying down?
She graduated from FTVS, a long-time swimming and fin swimming coach. Participant of university universities in swimming with monofin.
There’s enough water in the pool, so stop crying and swim!
He got to swimming at the age of eighteen through a triathlon, when he added swimming and training to cycling and running. As a weaker swimmer, he had to go through the whole process of learning all the swimming methods to better cope with the swimming part in triathlon races. Now I do not consider the swimming part as my weakness. In 2019 he graduated from FTVS with a specialization in triathlon and endurance multisports. He is currently continuing his Master’s studies at the Faculty.
Swimming shorts. For more than 12 years she competed swimming, participated in the Championship of the Republic and Games I., II. Summer Olympics of Children and Youth. At present she likes to pass on this experience to children and adults. Both beginners and advanced swimmers who would like to improve their performance.
She discovered her love for swimming at the age of eighteen with no previous swimming background. She trained her technique to such an extent that she got into the university triathlon club, from which she embarked on a purely swimming path, where she represented the University only in swimming. Niky studied physical education and biology in her native Slovakia. She has been “swimming” with children from the age of three to adults and seniors for the fifth year. She has swum in different parts of the world with different types and nationalities of her clients, from which she has gained enormous experience. Now she works and enjoys coaching swimming so much that she likes to find time even in her busy schedule.
I have been swimming since childhood and I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know how to swim. Thanks to the high-quality training of coaches and enthusiasm for this sport, I master all swimming methods and decided to pursue this hobby professionally. I got into coaching to help swimmers and non-swimmers swim better. Swimming is for everyone, regardless of age.
For as long as I can remember, I have been at home in the water. In the first grade of elementary school, I swam competitively for Slavia. Then I returned to swimming in 2016, when I started with triathlon, which I am now doing at the top. In addition to being an instructor, I work as a bike and ski service mechanic.
I have been in the pool since I was little and although I tried other sports, I always came back to swimming. From swimming courses, I got to competitive swimming and participation in the Czech championships. I am now a 1st-year FTVS student, majoring in physical education and sports.
I am a trained andragogist, but I work as a secondary school teacher. I really enjoy working with people, as well as swimming and skiing. In primary school, I swam competitively for TJ Bohemians Prague, since then I have been swimming only as a hobby, but intensively. I am a swimming coach III. classes and a skiing instructor. Swimming is my lifelong love, so hopefully semi will be able to spread this enthusiasm further!)
Swimming was my first sport that I did. Thanks to both parents, who also swam when I was young, I started swimming at the age of 5. Over time, I also had other sports hobbies, but I wouldn’t consider any of them as regenerating. In swimming, I like the opportunity to constantly improve and have fun at the same time. I think more people should start feeling this way, that’s why I took a swim teacher course to share my experience.
Radim pochází z plavecké rodiny. Od mala se potápěl ve vodě a od 7 let závodně plaval , ale pak přišla puberta a Radim se chtěl věnovat i jiným věcem. Později se díky škole a rodině vrátil k plavání, ale už jako trenér. Trenérská činnost ho naprosto pohltila. Radima na práci trenéra baví pomáhat lidem, zlepšovat jejich techniku plavání a zvyšovat jejich tělesnou kondici. Radim vede skupinové lekce a individuální lekce pro děti a dospělé jak v českém tak anglickém jazyce. Přihlašte sebe nebo vaše děti k Radimovi na lekci přes náš rezervační systém a uvidíte velké pokroky.
My first sport in childhood was swimming, which I have remained with to this day. Over time, I started coaching children in Sokol, and swimming coaching soon followed. I study Physiotherapy at FTVS and I enjoy combining school and water together – in my opinion, they belong together inextricably. In my free time, I play sports with autistic and visually impaired people, and in the winter I go to the mountains to teach skiing.
I have loved swimming since I was a little girl, and now as an adult, I have decided to devote myself fully to it and I have decided to pass on my joy to others. I am currently studying two majors at FTVS and I strongly hope to be able to help weaker swimmers or non-swimmers to overcome obstacles in swimming or fear of water. At the same time, it is important that even though we teach, we continue to develop our skills and maintain the regularity of self-improvement. It is always an advantage to set an example for clients.
Is swimming a part of your life and enjoy working with people?
So you’re right!
If you want to join our team, send us your CV and a few sentences about yourself to:
Víkendový rozhovor: Varovné případy z posledních dnů, čeští plavci se přeceňují. Proč se muži topí častěji? A jak plavat v moři?